Miembro del grupo popular chica taiwanés SHE, Selina Jen habló de su accidente que ocurrio en la película en el evento promocional de una estación de radio. Selina reveló que ella tiene un nuevo apodo después del incidente, "fire phoenix", , lo que significa que se convertirá en una fuerte y nueva persona después de su lesión.
La cantante también elogió a su compañero de reparto, la valentía Ham Yu como regresar a la escena del accidente. Ham sufrió graves quemaduras anteriormente, pero se ha recuperado poco a poco. Cuando se le preguntó si tenía el coraje de hacer lo mismo, Selina se echó a llorar sin control. Miembros del Grupo Hebe Tian y Chen Ella inmediatamente consoló: "Siempre debe mirar hacia adelante en la vida.
" Fuente
Fuente: asianfanatics.net
Selina Jen tears up while recalling film accident
Member of popular Taiwanese girl group S.H.E, Selina Jen talked about her film accident at a radio station's promotional event.
Selina revealed that she has a new nickname after the incident, "fire phoenix", which signifies that she will become a stronger and brand new self after her injury.
The singer also commended her co-star, Ham Yu's bravery for returning to the scene of the accident. Ham suffered severe burns previously but has gradually recovered.
When asked if she had the courage to do the same, Selina broke down in tears uncontrollably. Group members Hebe Tian and Ella Chen immediately consoled, "We should always look forward in life."
Selina revealed that she has a new nickname after the incident, "fire phoenix", which signifies that she will become a stronger and brand new self after her injury.
The singer also commended her co-star, Ham Yu's bravery for returning to the scene of the accident. Ham suffered severe burns previously but has gradually recovered.
When asked if she had the courage to do the same, Selina broke down in tears uncontrollably. Group members Hebe Tian and Ella Chen immediately consoled, "We should always look forward in life."
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