martes, 16 de octubre de 2012

New Girl Group: Six. S. 六樂弦

Muchos de los nuevos grupos se forman hoy y tenemos la suerte de echar un vistazo a un nuevo grupo de chicas Six. S.六乐弦 . Estaba mirando a través de YouTube cuando me encontré con su mv debut "Pretty" .Son un grupo muy bueno que cada uno de ellos sabe tocar diferentes instrumentos de cuerda que fueron presentados en su video musical. Y por suerte, nos dieron una respuesta de ellos para una característica. He aquí un extracto de su mensaje:

Gracias por interesarse en nosotros. Estamos a 6 chicas con 6 Instrumentos chinos. Cantamos, la danza, y la mayoría de todo lo que estamos musicalmente entrenados para hacer la diferencia en el grupo de pop de Taiwán. Como debes saber, Taiwan ha estado tratando de crear grupos con música pop con la esperanza de competir con el mercado K-Pop, pero en su lugar , debido a la política y la falta de experiencia, que siempre se quedan cortos. Tal vez demasiado corto ... Nuestro primer single es un adelanto de cómo las niñas a menudo nos perdemos en este mundo. Así que estamos recordando lo bonita que somos por dentro y por fuera a pesar de toda la negatividad. Hemos pedido talentoso productor taiwanés Americano / compositor / compositor, PaperTape, junto con ingenieros de la industria de renombre y talentos musicales de todo el mundo para crear nuestro sonido. Además, nuestro director Kelly está haciendo todo lo posible para asegurarse de que están en la cima de todo. Pero debido a que pertenecen a una empresa de gestión de indie,世娱国际有限公司, estamos haciendo nuestro mejor esfuerzo para mantener todo al día.

En este momento usted puede visitar nuestra actual página de Facebook del ventilador en chino六乐弦粉丝团/ 232091776823982
Vamos a tratar de tener todo listo pronto y mantenerlo actualizado! =) Realmente esperamos hacer una diferencia y traer variaciones en la música pop de Asia. Pensamos Pop taiwanés puede ser tan bueno como K-pop y ser compartido por todo el mundo. Gracias de nuevo y vamos a seguir haciendo nuestro mejor =)Seis. S.

Bueno, parece ser buena, aunque su debut no fue tan fuerte. Aún así, espero que lo que pueden ofrecer. : DManténgase en sintonía con Pop Taiwan  ya que ofrecemos la última actualización sobre ellos! : D De todas formas, aquí está su mv debut "Pretty" .
New Girl Group: Six. S. 六樂弦

Lots of new groups are formed today and we are lucky to get a peek at a new girl group Six. S. 六樂弦. I was browsing through YouTube when I came across their debut mv "Pretty".

They are a very cool group as each of them knows how to play different stringed instruments which were featured on their music video.

And luckily, we got a reply from them for a feature. Here's an excerpt of their message:

Thank you for taking an interest on us.

We are 6 girls with 6 Chinese Instruments. We sing, dance, and most of all we are musically trained to make a difference in Taiwan's pop group.

As you might know, Taiwan has been attempting to create groups with pop music in hopes to compete with the K-Pop market, but instead, due to politics and inexperience, they have always fall short. Maybe too short...

Our first single is a breakthrough about how us girls often lose ourselves in this world. So we are reminding everyone how pretty we are inside and out despite all the negativity.

We have asked talented Taiwanese American producer/composer/ songwriter, PaperTape, along with well-known industry Engineers and musical talents around the world to create our sound. In addition, our manager Kelly is doing everything she can to ensure we are on top of everything. But because we are from an indie management company, 世娛國際有限公司, we are trying our best to keep everything up to date.

Lots of new groups are formed today and we are lucky to get a peek at a new girl group Six. S. 六樂弦. I was browsing through YouTube when I came across their debut mv "Pretty".

They are a very cool group as each of them knows how to play different stringed instruments which were featured on their music video.

And luckily, we got a reply from them for a feature. Here's an excerpt of their message:

Thank you for taking an interest on us.

We are 6 girls with 6 Chinese Instruments. We sing, dance, and most of all we are musically trained to make a difference in Taiwan's pop group.

As you might know, Taiwan has been attempting to create groups with pop music in hopes to compete with the K-Pop market, but instead, due to politics and inexperience, they have always fall short. Maybe too short...

Our first single is a breakthrough about how us girls often lose ourselves in this world. So we are reminding everyone how pretty we are inside and out despite all the negativity.

We have asked talented Taiwanese American producer/composer/ songwriter, PaperTape, along with well-known industry Engineers and musical talents around the world to create our sound. In addition, our manager Kelly is doing everything she can to ensure we are on top of everything. But because we are from an indie management company, 世娛國際有限公司, we are trying our best to keep everything up to date.

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