martes, 12 de marzo de 2013

Guyz revela MV japonés para la pista nueva "We"

Después de revelar la noticia de un nuevo single en febrero pasado , el nuevo video musical de Guyz coreano banda de rock fue subido a su canal oficial de YouTube.

 "We" es uno de los dos A-lados de las pistas del nuevo single japonés de la banda "We/Tell me Tell me."  . El single fue revelado y puesto en libertad el día de hoy. Su tracklist se compone de pistas por lado "We" y "Tell me Tell me", así como b-side track "toki no kage", o "Time Shadow " de la banda coreana.

Su ultimo lanzamiento  se remonta a 2010, cuando lanzaron  "New Stage,"  que fue posteriormente re-editado como parte de su primer álbum japonés mini "PLAY-IN-PLAY." 

Ellos han estado promoviendo, de gira, y la liberación de la música en Japón desde entonces. ¿Qué piensa usted de su nuevo seguimiento?

Guyz reveals MV for new Japanese track "We"

After revealing news of a new single last February, the new music video from Korean rock band Guyz was uploaded to their official YouTube channel.

"We" is one of two a-sides track of the band's newest Japanese single "We/Tell me Tell me." The single itself was also revealed and released earlier today. Its tracklist consists out of a-side tracks "We," and "Tell me Tell me," as well as b-side track "toki no kage," or "Time's Shadow."

The band's last Korean release dates back to 2010 when they released "New Stage," which was later re-released as part of their first Japanese mini album "PLAY-IN-PLAY." They have been promoting, touring, and releasing music in Japan since.

What do you think of their newest track?

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